Confassociazioni Australia launch event at Italian Senate

At the initiative of Sen. Francesco Giacobbe, Secretary of the 9th Permanent Commission of the Senate (Industry, Commerce, Tourism, Agriculture and Agri-Food Production), on February 22 (10:30 am), the presentation of Confassociazioni Australia will take place at the Sala dell'Istituto Santa Maria in Aquiro of the Senate of the Republic.

The meeting will be attended by Sen. Giacobbe, parliamentarian elected in the foreign constituency of Africa, Asia, Oceania, Antarctica, Angelo Deiana, President of CONFASSOCIAZIONI and Carmelo Cutuli, Vice President of Confassociazioni International in charge of relations with North America and Australia and the President of Confassociazioni Australia, lawyer Giovanni Patti.

Italy and Australia are linked by historical ties and share significant trade relations in various sectors, with a substantial flow of exports from Italy to Australia exceeding 4 billion euros. Both highly developed G20 economies, Australia and Italy currently boast a good level of commercial interaction and, above all, ample prospects for improvement. However, the COVID-19 pandemic led to a significant contraction in trade between the two countries in the 2020-2021 period. Nevertheless, trade values have steadily increased, reaching 4.443 billion euros in 2021 and 5.818 billion euros in 2022. Although imports of Australian goods into Italy doubled in 2022 compared to 2021, the trade balance remains significantly in Italy's favor, with 4.7 billion euros in exports in 2022.

TWS President Carmelo Cutuli, who is also Vice President of Confassociazioni International in charge of North America and Australia, added: "I wish President Giovanni Patti and the entire Confassociazioni Australia team good work for this new and exciting project. The opening of a branch in Australia represents a fundamental step for the international growth of Confassociazioni. Italy and Australia are united by historical ties and solid commercial relations. I am sure that Confassociazioni Australia, thanks to the professionalism of its team, will be able to create new synergies between professionals and companies in the two countries, promoting the exchange of skills and experiences".

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